Cloaked Devices

A Cloaked Device is one which does not respond to ping (ICMP requests). This is common and easily done in many devices, especially Windows and Linux devices.

IntraVUE‎ discovers devices by pinging all the IP addresses in the scan ranges setup in the Scanner Tab. Therefore a device which does not respond to pings will not be discovered by IntraVUE‎.

Within a Local Area Network all packets are handled based on their MAC addresses and not their IP Addresses. IP Addresses are only used if a device communicates outside the Local Area Network.

WBC Network Health Monitor makes requests to the top parents of each defined IntraVUE‎ network to get their ARP information. A device which does not respond to Ping/ICMP requests will respond with an IP to an ARP request.

Outside resources in Industrial settings will frequently use laptops that have ICMP turned off. Regardless of the reason, those responsible for monitoring their networks should be aware of ALL devices on their network, not just those responding to pings.

A setting in File Settings determines if Cloaked devices will create event log entries when the cloaked device disconnects or reconnects. The default is the create the events.


New Cloaked Devices create an Alarm New Cloaked IP

New, User Deleted, disconnects, and reconnects appear in the Event Log